Preparation Before Job Interview

Do your study: As you know, one of the most important questions you can be asked in an interview is "Why do you want to work with us?" Or "why do you want to join this company? "Stuttering with this question may be a reason final break and to avoid this, you must know the company you are considering working with very well. Such research can also be helpful when negotiating pay, deciding what to wear etc.
Understand your job profile: Before applying for a particular job, make sure you understand the profile or description well. This will help you settle on the type of work you do and expect that the salary you can accept.

Know your CV: Know your CV like the back of your hand. Have all the details such as the positions you have held, the projects you have worked on the companies you have worked, etc. stored. All matters relating to your CV must be correctly answered with vast confidence.

Prepare your answers: The nervousness is a factor that must be taken into account. Prepare answers to frequently asked questions and put them into practice in front of a mirror, or better yet, ask a friend to help you. Be sure to speak clearly and look out for the body language and posture.

Decide what you wear - suitable for an interview. Your first impression is based on what you wear. Dress according to the type of employment and post for which you are applying. It is better to be overdressed than to be dressed for an interview.

Make sure your clothes are washed and ironed. Do not take a last minute decision about what you wear, and it can be very stressful. You do not want to find your shirt missing a couple of buttons, do you? The proper way to do this is to put your clothes the night before and make sure they are in good condition, washed and ironed

Make your travel planning. Plan what time you want to leave and what means of transport you take. Make sure you choose a route that is less crowded so that you can reach and time.

Perform resume / certificates / briefcase. Before leaving, check your briefcase for all necessary documents and make multiple copies of the same thing.

Arrive before time. Reach 25 to 30 minutes as soon as you can remain calm and stress free. It also allows you to check your appearance and create yourself before the interview.

Turn off your phone before entering the room. Do not forget to turn your phone off or put in silent mode. A phone rings sale or even a vibrating on a table can be very difficult for you, it can also interfere with the interviewer.

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