Kinds of Sentences According to Form And Kinds of Sentences According to Use

There are four kinds of sentences according to form. These are the following:

Simple Sentence-It contains one independent section.
Example: He wants to write a song for his wife.

Compound Sentence-It contains two or more independent clauses
Example: The guys are playing basketball and the girls are playing tennis.

Complex Sentence-It contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
Example: Although she is not very pretty, she is smart.

Compound-Complex Sentence-It contains two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
Example: I like the guy that I met recently, but he already has a girlfriend.

Kinds of Sentences According to Use :

Kinds of Sentences According to use

There are four types of sentences according to use. These are the following:

Declarative Sentence-It states a fact and ends with a period.
Example: He can sketch very well.

Imperative Sentence-It gives a control or a request.
Example: Please take care of her for me.

Interrogative Sentence-It asks a question.
Example: What are you looking for?

Exclamatory Sentence-It denotes a very strong feeling.
Example: Watch out.

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