Conversation : How to Confirming your Flight :

Confirming your Flight :

If you are taking a plane to travel, then you will be calling a travel agent and purchasing a ticket in your own country.We will not  cover this portion because you can do it in your own But once you arrive to your English speaking location, you might need to change your flight and talk to English speaking people. More likely, they will have people speaking your language, but just in case, we will cover some general topics about air traveling here.

Confirming your flight :

Some airlines require you to call a couple days in advance to confirm your departure date. Here are some sentences you will be asked and what you will need to say.

You: "I would like to confirm my flight."
Them: "Can I get your ticket number?"
You: "The number is 45-6-43."
Them: "You are scheduled to depart on June 15th at 1:00 pm. Is this correct?"
You: "Yes it is."
Them: "Is anybody else traveling with you?"
You: "Yes, my wife."
Them: "Can I have the other ticket number?"
You: "It is 45-6-44."
Them: "Your tickets have been confirmed. Please arrive at the airport 3 hours before your flight departs. Thank you for calling."

Some other questions you might hear are similar to the ones you might hear at the airport counter.

"Would you like to book your seats now?"
"Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?"

"What is your ticket number?"
"What is your last name?"
"What is your first name?"

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