Common Mistake in English, Common Mistakes in Spoken and Written English

An exhaustive list of common mistakes,followed by relevant reasons for correction, are given. It served as an analysis of the error most commonly made in spoken and written English. It also presents clear explanations of how to correct these errors. Most of the terminology used here is traditional, so that the task of the student should  not be made more difficult by the introduction of new grammatical terms which would need a lot of explanation. Our explanations are based on British usage.

These notes will be of immense value to the students appearing for the various public examinations including  those conducted by the various universities, Banks, the UPSC and the State Services.In attempting to master standards of usage ,one should begin with the realization that one is engaging in a fascinating study, writes Prof. T.S Berry in his book. “The Most Common Mistakes in English Usage.” In studying canons of usage, one should also recognize, of course, the far-reading utility involved. We must respect principles of usage in order to move effectively in any circle where correct language is a requisite. Finally, it should be realized that rules for usage are necessary to maintain the uniformity of meaning that language has had across the years. Guidelines for usage are usually one of society’s most important safeguards.
We are aware of the fact that a living language like English is always in a state of flux. What is a common error today may not be in the list of errors after a decade. “By the mere law of numbers, errors committed by a bulk of the population are apt to be admitted into elite circles, and into dictionaries in due course”. So, One should be in constant touch with the latest trends in English. Here as attempt has been made to show long established grammatical rules coming under pressure from the current usage of educated speakers of English. The explanatory matter has been made as concise and simple as possible.

For English Grammar, We learners to consult books such as :

Current English Usage by F.T.Wood,
A University Grammar of English by Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum,
A Remedial English Grammar for Foreign Students by F.T. Wood,
A Practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet,
Practical English Usage by Michael Swan,
A Guide to Correct English by L. L. Hill. 

Common Mistake in English, Common Mistakes in Spoken and Written English

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